Thursday, February 28, 2013

Paket Kecil dari.... (Lagi)

Thanks God....

Akhirnya datang juga :)

 It's a "little" thing from Ajeosshi :)
Finally I net the Choco Pie

The package isslightly bigger than before. It "swam" in the ocean more than a month.

Let's Open.....!!!

Thank you Ajeosshi ^^

Orion Choco Pie

There are 12 packs in a box. 12 PACKS WITH LOVE

1 Pack is not enough :')

Ramen only ! no Udon for this time.

Porridge with 삼계탕 taste.

Choco Heim - White Heim

Candy Bars

Three candy bars. Still not enough ! (I want more) :)

Really sweet ! Like

Kim.... The package arrived on February 27th 2013. The expired date is February 10th 2013. Sorry, I can share this one. It's expired, so I will eat alone :D (don't try this at home)

I ate three pieces "kim" in 5 five minutes.

Birthday candle. "H" 's so sweet !

Birthday candle

Birthday Card from "H"


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Better is Better

26 years old...
Yes I am
I am 26 years old this year
26 years old...
It's not enough to be a good person.
I don't wanna be a good one.
I wanna be a better
26 years old...
It's not enough to be a better...
I need more than 26 years old to be a better.
Maybe I need the rest of my life to learn how to be better.
Just wanna be better
Better than myself yesterday
Better than myself today
Just wanna be better in everyday
Yesterday I was so selfish
Let's make today be a better day
Understanding and respect the others
Today I like complaining
Let's make tomorrow be a better day
Be calm and don't complain easily
I can't do it by myself
I need Allah to be my guidance

Monday, February 25, 2013

Korean in Batik

It's my first time to see Korean wearing Batik. It's awesome.

I bought this batik when I was in Jogjakarta for trip.
I though it would be good to see "H" in Batik :)

The Blue one..... I bought this batik at Beringharjo market, Yogyakarta. 

Try it on, ajeossi!!!
Not as cool as Jung YongHwa, but it's enough.... (chuckling)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Choco Pie

Choco Pie

Choco Pie

Choco Pie

Choco Pie

아저씨 always tells me  that he wanna eat Choco Pie everyday

It makes me curious what the Choco Pie is...

It the second Korean snack that makes me curious after Pepero


What is the Choco Pie??

Choco Pie is  is a snack cake consisting of two small round layers of cake with marshmallow filling with chocolate covering, similar to a MoonPie.

Picture from here

I think it's similar to "Better" biscuit in Indonesia ^^

Picture from here

I write about Choco Pie because two days ago 아저씨 told me that sent me some Choco Pie for my birthday. Wuuuaaahhhh sweet 아저씨....

My  birthday is already past. It was a month ago :(  and the Choco Pie doesnt come yet !

Still waiting...

초코파이, 어디있어?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Tour De Java

Gak tau lagi sibuk atau memang malas, akhirnya baru sekarang bisa posting tentang kegiatan tur ke Jawa Desember kemarin :)

Alhamdulillah kegiatan yang berjalan kurang lebih seminggu ini secara keseluruhan berjalan lancar meskipun terjadi sedikit masalah.

Karena sedang malas bernarasi, silahkan lihat gambarnya langsung :)

Minggu, 16 Desember 2012      Berangkat dari Bontang menuju bandara Sepinggan Balikpapan menggunakan bis.

Hari 1
Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Tiba di bandara Sepinggan pukul 04:00

Para siswa menurunkan barang bawaannya masing-masing

Jidouhanbaiki :)

Check-in : Belum selesai check-in, panggilan untuk penumpang Lion Air tujuan Yogyakartasudah diumumkan. Sampai panggilan terakhir pun kami masih sibuk mengurus check-in. (Susah ternyata membawa rombongan hahha).

Alhamdulillah, sampai juga di Bandara Adi Sutjipto : Yogyakarta

Antri bagasi : ternyata bandaranya kecil. Hampir mirip kayak sepinggan. Awalnya saya pikir bandaranya besar seperti Juanda karena Yogya adalah daerah tujuan wisata :)
Antri di toilet untuk ganti baju seragam

Naik eskalator menuju Bis (Ketika menuju tempat parkir bis, saya terkejut karena ada stasiun kereta di bandara. Wuaahh unik). Kalau tidak salah namanya stasiun Maguwo.

si Biru : yang menemani kami selama seminggu

Yogya Yogya Yogya !!!! ini kedua kalinya saya datang ke Yogya. Yang pertama dulu waktu tur SMP tahun 2001 :)

Menuju Rumah Makan untuk sarapan
RM. Grafika

Kenyaaaang.... : Sop, ayam goreng, tempe mendoan, sambel, kerupuk. Saip menuju UNY

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Penjelasan mengenai SNMPTN di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)

Bersiap menuju Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

Ruang Seminar Fakultas ekonomi dan Bisnis UGM : Gedung Pertamina : Cool !!!

Dosennya cantik & smart :)

Dosennya fashionable :)

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, letaknya di depan FEB. Pengen masuk ke sana tapi waktunya gak cukup (ada jurusan bahasa Koreanya :*)

Makan siang di RM Grafika


Pusat Oleh-oleh di depan RM Grafika

Mampir dulu di sebuah distro

Heoooo~~~~n :D

Sertifikat JTEST Pertamakuuu

Tepat tanggal 1 Maret kemarin sertifikat JTEST yang saya tunggu-tunggu akhirnya datang juga. Sertifikat dikirim menggunakan TIKI  ke alamat ...